geeky_graphics Nov 16, 2008 14:32
icons: dubé and davison, icons: mclaughlin and brubaker, icons: alban preaubert, icons: navarro and bommentre, icons: yu-na kim, icons, icons: charlie white, icons: evan lysacek, icons: skating, icons: brent bommentre, icons: davis and white
geeky_graphics Nov 24, 2007 12:43
icons: alban preaubert, icons: yu-na kim, icons: virtue and moir, icons, icons: evan lysacek, icons: skating, icons: davis and white, icons: weaver and poje
geeky_graphics Oct 31, 2007 19:16
icons: dubé and davison, icons: alban preaubert, icons: navarro and bommentre, icons, icons: charlie white, icons: ben agosto, icons: ryan bradley, icons: belbin and agosto, icons: evan lysacek, icons: skating, icons: davis and white
geeky_graphics Dec 20, 2006 12:33
icons: shen and zhao, icons: alban preaubert, icons: sarah meier, icons: yu-na kim, icons, icons: belbin and agosto, icons: skating, icons: dubreiul and lauzon
geeky_graphics Dec 03, 2006 00:25
icons: shen and zhao, icons: alban preaubert, icons: yu-na kim, icons: virtue and moir, icons, icons: fumie suguri, icons: belbin and agosto, icons: skating, icons: zhang and zhang
geeky_graphics Nov 19, 2006 00:15
icons: shen and zhao, icons: alban preaubert, icons: yu-na kim, icons: virtue and moir, icons, icons: belbin and agosto, icons: beatrisa liang, icons: evan lysacek, icons: skating, icons: miki ando